Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Chico puts paw to paper

A GERMAN FELINE is behind a Catholic literary first after turning its paw to writing an authorized biography of the Pope Benedict XVI. In Joseph and Chico, Chico (the cat) lovingly records the life of his "best friend" for children.

In the understatement of the century, the Pope's personal secretary, Monsignor Georg Ganswein, said in the book's foreword: "Dear Children, here you will find a biography that is different to others because it is told by a cat."

He goes on to note that: "It is not every day a cat can consider the Holy Father his friend and sit down to write his life story."

Allegedly the feline author befriended the Pope in his native Germany while he was plain Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. However the story may not be so crazy. The Pope is known to be a cat lover who allegedly fed stray cats in Rome as a younger man and even adopted several.

However The Vatican famously does not allow animals on the premises. When asked whether Pope Benedict XVI brought his cat collection with him when he moved in, clerics had no comment.

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