Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Suggested Halloween costumes for Catholic kids

Catholic Home and Garden makes the following dress code recommendations for Catholic children who are planning to go trick or treating this year.

As their correspondent explains "our Catholic Faith is full of bold and fascinating saints", the distinctive looks of which can be easily creating with household items and little divinely inspired creativity.

St. Michael the Archangel: An angel gown, wings, a spear with an impaled rubber demon
St. George: Armor, a spear with an impaled dragon
St. Stephen: a simple gown with stuck on arrows signifying his martyrdom
St. Isaac Jogues - a Jesuit cassock with chewed up bloody fingers

St. Kateri Tekakwitha - A Mohawk Maiden carrying a Cross.
St. Therese of Lisieux - A little Carmelite strewing rose petals
St. Joan of Arc - A beautiful French maiden with a sword!
St. Teresa of Calcutta: A simple sari made of a white sheet with a blue and white dish towel veil

A group of boys - St. Nicholas with the three boys in a cauldron
A mixed group - Souls in Purgatory with make up to create burned and blackened skin, dressed in rags, with chains dangling from their wrists (make these from tin foil) and cellophane gift basket wrap in yellow and orange to resemble flames.

And of course, you can't go wrong with an angel.

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