Monday, October 20, 2008

Priests featured on Father Ted

Father Dick Byrne "As priests go... he's a really bad priest."
Father Jim Johnson
Father Cyril MacDuff
Father Noel Furlong
Father Larry Duff "Tremendous fun"
Father Fintan Stack
Father Fintan Fay
Father Billy O'Dwyer, aka The SpinMaster.
Father Paul Stone
Father Austin Purcell - "the most boring priest in the world"
Father Liam Finnegan, the famous "Dancing Priest".
Father Tiernan, Father Rafter, Father Cafferty and Father Leonard,
Father Damien "Damo" Lennon
Father "Frosty" Frost
Father Walton
Father Joe Briefly - "Himalaya Joe"
Father O'Shea
Father Cave and Father Gallagher
Father Flynn, a not totally with-it priest
Father Liam Deliverance,
Father Barty Dunne, the Laughing Priest.
Father Harry Coyle
Father Paul Cleary
Father Mackie and Father Jim Sutton
Father Hernandez
Father Seamus Fitzpatrick
Father Brian Eno
Father Kevin
Father Derek Beeching
Father Clarke
Father Jessup -the most sarcastic priest in Ireland
Father Bigley
Father Buzz Cagney
Father Nick
Father Ned Fitzmaurice
Father Nolan
Father Romeo Sensini
Father Shortall
Father Jim Duggan
Father Sweeney - "a very small bladder, about the size of a Terry's Chocolate Orange."
Father Fitzgibbon
Father Deegan
Father Williams
Father Jimmy Ranable
Father O'Rourke

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